AI answering service for your small business. Let us handle the phone so you can continue to grow your business.
of callers will hang up without leaving a voicemail if their call isn't answered.
of calls into small and medium-sized business will go unanswered.
Sign up for SmartCall AI today and get your first 50 minutes FREE to try it out right away!
After you sign up, a member of our team will contact you ASAP in order to schedule a success call to get you all set up and make sure SmartCall AI service is helping you reach your business's specific goals!
After we train your personalized AI voice assistant, we'll connect it to your business number (new number or through forwarding your current number) and then you're all set! BONUS: Your first ~50 call minutes EVERY MONTH are on us 🤜🤛
How Much Revenue Can SmartCall AI Help Me Capture Per Month?
SmartCall AI is just $49 per month. That includes an AI-powered voice assistant trained on your business goals and FAQs, ~50 minutes call credit on us EVERY MONTH, immediate call logs sent to your email. Once you run out of your free credits, each minute is billed at just $0.325 per minute.
Your first 50 minutes of calls are on us EVERY MONTH!
Yes! If you sign up for our annual plan, we'll give you TWO FREE MONTHS just for signing up! Plus you'll still receive ~50 minutes of call credits EVERY MONTH.
Just about any business that receives phone calls will benefit from SmartCall AI. If you could benefit from spending more time growing your business and serving customers, SmartCall AI is a great fit. Even if you already to a great job answering the phone, our AI-trained voice assistants can answer calls 24/7 AND answer multiple calls at once (no waiting for your customers). Don't lose out of potential business opportunities because you are spending time with customers, friends, family, etc.
We practice what we preach by using this service on our won site. Simply call us at 385-238-2060 as ask for more details about our SmartCall AI service. If you have any further questions, please let our AI assistant know or send us a message through out on-site chat!
Yes! We want you to get the most out of SmartCall AI. So as soon as you sign up, a member of our team will be assigned to your business's account and will reach out ASAP to schedule an onboarding/success call to help make sure you are taking full advantage of our tools and services.
No. We offer ~50 minutes of free call credits every month. Any unused minutes will NOT carry over to the next month and you will reset with a total of 50 minutes of free credits. Call minutes beyond the first 50 are billed at $0.325 per minute.
No! We'll provide you a SmartCall AI number that you can simply forward your current number to. That way you don't have to change your number on your site, signage, vehicles, etc. For more info on how to forward all calls or just missed calls to your SmartCall AI phone number, click HERE.
This is super simple. Simply click HERE and find our current carrier. Simply follow your carrier's instructions on how to set up missed call forwarding or ALL call forwarding.
AI is revolutionizing service businesses by automating phone answering, lead follow-ups, and scheduling. It boosts efficiency, reduces costs, scales growth, and improves customer satisfaction while st... ...more
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AI voice agents are transforming phone call management for service businesses by handling inquiries, booking appointments, and providing 24/7 support. With AI automation, businesses can reduce missed ... ...more
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AI Receptionists and AI Calling ensure service businesses never miss calls, even during peak hours. They automate scheduling, handle inquiries, and capture leads 24/7, improving efficiency, customer s... ...more
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(385) 238-2060